Kim Kardashian recently delighted her fans with a series of touching posts featuring her children. On August 22, the SKIMS founder and reality TV star shared adorable black-and-white photos of her youngest daughter, Chicago, 6, peacefully asleep. The images show Chicago snuggled in a bunny-print pajama shirt, nestled against a pillow. Kardashian’s caption, “My sleeping beauty 💘,” captured the tender moment, and her sister, Khloé Kardashian, praised Chicago as a “living doll” in the comments.
Throughout August, Kardashian has been sharing glimpses into her life with her four children—North, 11, Saint, 8, Chicago, and Psalm, 5, from her previous marriage to Kanye West. On August 2, she posted a collage of family photos that featured a scenic outing outside a cabin. The images show Kardashian with all four kids: Saint perched on her lap, Psalm flashing a peace sign, North making a funny face while holding Chicago, and various serene outdoor shots, including white tents by a lake and an old fence in a field. Kardashian captioned the collection, “Summertime Funtime.”
Kim Kardashian’s updates offer a glimpse into her family life and personal experiences, showcasing her close bond with her children and the everyday moments that bring joy to her life.