Bizarre Things About Ainsley Earhardt And Sean Hannity’s Relationship Everyone Ignores
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When Vanity Fair outed Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity’s relationship in 2020, the publication alleged they had been an item for quite some time. Both were well-known conservative FOX News reporters, working primarily in different time slots — which probably helped keep their relationship under the radar. Vanity Fair’s sources claimed the relationship started as a friendship but grew into something more.
This revelation certainly blindsided viewers, who thought they were up-to-date on the separate love lives of Earhardt and Hannity. We knew of her marriage to Kevin McKinney from 2005 to 2009 and later to Will Proctor from 2012 to 2019. Meanwhile, Hannity’s divorce from Jill Rhodes only happened a year prior, which brings us to the first bizarre thing about the couple’s relationship. A 2020 report by People alleged that the pair had been seeing each other secretly for “years.” Considering that Hannity had only divorced his wife in 2019, the timeline didn’t quite add up. However, The Daily Mail provided a piece of the puzzle, reporting that Hannity and his wife had been separated “for nearly five years.”
Earhardt and Hannity were weirdly secretive about their relationship
Steven Ferdman/Getty Images
One of the strangest things about Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity’s relationship is how much energy they put into denying it. It’s one thing to ignore rumors, but it’s another thing to release a statement denying a relationship. When Earhardt was asked about their relationship, she replied through an official spokesperson: “Right now, I am focused on raising my daughter, and I am not dating anyone.” However, she added that anyone Hannity chose to date would be “extremely fortunate.”
Hannity, on the other hand, outrightly refused to speak about Earhardt, releasing a statement that said, “I do not discuss my personal life in public.” Perhaps the stress of the denials finally got to them because, in 2023, Sean Hannity and Ainsley Earhardt finally went public with their secret romance. The Daily Mail supplied pictures of them looking cozy and holding the same corn on the cob. They were even photographed at Palm Beach with Earhardt’s daughter, who was seven years old at the time. The couple has not been pictured with either of Hannity’s two kids, who are in their twenties.
There’s a considerable age gap between the pair
Roy Rochlin/Getty Images
Another odd aspect of Sean Hannity and Ainsley Earhardt’s relationship is their age difference. Hannity was born in 1961, and Ainsley Earhardt in 1976, resulting in a 15-year gap. Admittedly, this would be more concerning if they had started dating when Earhardt was younger. But the couple began their relationship when she was in her late 30s or early 40s — depending on how long they’d actually been together behind the scenes.
But the rare sneak peeks into their relationship hint that Earhardt certainly has her means of keeping him young. During Hannity’s 25th anniversary on Fox News in 2021, co-host Brian Kilmeade asked him if he had a favorite co-host on “Fox and Friends.” Shockingly, Earhardt interjected before he could reply: “Yes, he does” (via The Daily Beast). Hannity didn’t confirm or deny that Earhardt was referring to herself but responded with a boyish quip: “It’s between Steve and Ainsley, for sure.” This might have seemed like a sign that they were ready to go public, but it took two more years for Sean Hannity to reveal that Earhardt is his girlfriend.
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