Kim Kardashian recently sparked a mix of reactions after stepping out in New York City on Wednesday, dressed in a beige Skims ensemble. The outfit, which featured a long-sleeved turtleneck that cropped below her knees, was paired with matching pointy-toe heels that also served as tights. However, the look wasn’t universally praised.
Some readers of commented that the 43-year-old reality star appeared older than her mother, Kris Jenner, who is 68, due to the outfit’s “granny” stockings. One critic even likened Kim’s designer ERL shearling mini bag, priced at $1,290, to a “fuzzy bath rug.” Another commenter remarked, “She actually looks older than her mother,” while someone else suggested that Kim’s shoe/boot/legging combination resembled “granny stockings.” A fourth person went as far as to say that Kim’s “unflattering outfit” made her look like a “housecleaner,” and others were upset that the nylon hem of her dress was visible.
Despite the criticism, some people defended Kim. One commenter noted, “I’m not a Kardashian fan, but she clearly doesn’t look older than her mother, does she… let’s be honest.”
Meanwhile, Kris Jenner has been receiving praise for her age-defying appearance. She recently posted a series of photos on Instagram promoting the fitness brand Alo, leaving fans in awe of her beauty. One fan commented, “Aging backwards. Slay natural queen,” while another compared her to actress Millie Bobby Brown, saying, “Thought she was Milly (sic) Bobby Brown for a sec.”