All of the greatest man-made inventions have stood the test of time. They remain living testaments to the evolutionary process and creative innovation…

The German-made Kettenkrad motorcycle-tractor hybrid saw extensive action in North Africa and on the Eastern Front. By Albert Mroz Aside from a number…

Introduction The King Tiger was one of Hitler’s last gambles, a “Wunderwaffe” (miracle weapon), set to reverse the situation, taking part in the…

The German Panzerkampfwagen IV medium tank, abbreviated to PzKpfw IV, Pz. IV, or T-IV and mostly referred to as Panzer IV, was a…

Launched by rocket-powered catapult from ships without flight decks, and later flying from escort carriers, the Sea Hurricane and its pilots fought with…

The careers of most early airliners and military transport aircraft are generally short. However, there are a few exceptions notably – the Ju…

The North Carolina– and South Dakota–class battleships were designed with the limits of the Washington Naval Treaty in mind. Although much more could…

The E Street Band has Bruce Springsteen’s back. During the “Born to Run” rocker and his band’s concert in Amsterdam on Saturday, he tripped…

The two The Voice alums performed together at Shelton’s Ole Red bar in Tishomingo, Oklahoma. Blake Shelton gave fans an epic surprise during his show at his Ole…