Even after someone mentioned the obvious word, the absurd answers didn’t stop.
Screenshots showing Steve Harvey throwing his cards away (Cover image source: YouTube | Family Feud)
“Family Feud” host Steve Harvey keeps things entertaining using his comic timing and straight-faced reactions, even when he comes across stupid answers and clueless contestants. The show’s quirky survey questions typically don’t require critical thinking as they are relatively easy to answer. But, even then some contestants struggle to come up with simple answers, prompting Harvey to simply throw up his arms, or cards to be precise.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey looking all fed up (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
During an episode, Harvey called two contestants from each team, for a face-off at the podium. Christine representing the Kang Family was up against Nick representing the Fields family. With everything set, Harvey told the two players that they had to fill the blank space in, “____ HOP.” Nick was the first to hit the buzzer and he came up with a bizarre answer, “Top.” Surprisingly, Harvey didn’t roast the player as he turned to the board which didn’t feature the response.
Screenshots showing the two contestants at the podium (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
The host then turned to Christine who came up with an even weirder answer and said, “Crop Top.” This shocked Harvey as he stared blankly at the contestant. Her answer too did not show up amongst the top responses in the survey.
Harvey then went to Joslyn of the Fields family who followed the footsteps of Christine and said, “Drop Top.” This too wasn’t on the board and the turn went to Tahjai of the Kang family who made a decent guess and said, “Big Hop”. While it was the most sensible answer so far, it did not show up on the board either.
By this time, everyone in the studio, including Harvey, was eager to hear the most obvious word. To express his frustration, the host threw his cards on the floor and stood in the middle with his hands in his pocket. The next player from the Fields family, Marvin too had a different answer.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey throwing his cards on the floor (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
The elderly contestant answered “Bunny Hop,” which finally showed up on the board at the top spot. Thus, the Fields family got to play the question and win some points. Before going over to the team, Harvey crossed his arms and said, “Ya’ll should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey scolding the contestants (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
He then repeated the question to Erica who finally said the word that Harvey had been longing to hear. “Hip Hop,” she mentioned with a big smile, prompting a quick “Thank You” from Harvey. The answer showed up on the second spot and the turn went to the next player, Erin. Erin answered with “Car Hop” which earned the team their first strike. Next up was Nick again, who completely blanked out before saying “Mop”. “Did you say mop?” Harvey asked the player with a disappointed look on his face. Quite obviously, the answer did not feature on the board.
Screenshot showing Harvey talking to the Fields family (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Joslyn then came to the rescue of the team and answered with “IHOP”. Harvey too was energized by the answer as he said, “Girl, you a better shop. We talking about the pancake house.” The answer won the team some points which were ultimately lost as Marvin earned the third strike with the answer “Dance Hop”.
The Kang family then had the chance to steal the points but they too failed as their answer “Bar Hop” did not appear on the board. Finally, the rest of the top answers were revealed as, “Sock Hop” and “Bellhop.”