Carey is often seen interacting with contestants on a personal level to make the show relatable.
Screenshots showing the couple and Drew Carey on “The Price is Right” (Cover image source: YouTube | Price is Right)
Game shows aren’t all about luck and skills on display along with bizarre celebrations and witty jibes from hosts. They keep things relatable for the fans and sometimes personal stories and moments such as proposals are also witnessed on the sets. “The Price is Right” host Drew Carey is known to interact with contestants, and he once revealed the gender of a lucky couple’s child on the ‘baby shower’ edition of the show. He called down the duo from the crowd to do the honors. It was a heartfelt moment not just for the couple on stage but for the audience as well.
The crowd in the studio usually shouts out numbers to help contestants win prizes, but this time, they were shouting boy or girl. The couple anxiously waited for the big reveal but before that could happen, Carey had to open the envelope which he seemed to be struggling with.
Screenshot showing Drew Carey with the couple on “The Price is Right” (Image source: YouTube | priceisright)
“This thing’s glued up man,” the host said as he made a mess of the envelope, and said, “There goes your envelope.” Carey finally opened it and laid eyes on the contents inside. He then took some time figuring out where to spot the gender of the baby. Everyone held their breath as he revealed the big news. “It’s gonna be a…boy!”
Screenshot showing the soon-to-be mother and father hugging one another. (Image source: YouTube | priceisright)
The crowd cheered and clapped as husband and wife embraced each other. They were even dressed in gender-reveal outfits. The man wore a blue T-shirt while the woman wore pink. Even if neither of them was able to get on the stage for a chance to win a prize, they left the studio with something much more valuable. Moments like these have made the show a fan favorite over the years.
This is not the only time Carey has done a gender reveal on “The Price is Right.” In fact, he did two gender reveals in a separate episode of the show. He first did it for Suzette and Alexander. It turns out that the soon-to-be mother had an envelope velcroed to her belly. Inside was a paper that revealed the gender of the baby. Before he revealed that, the host said, “You can use Drew as a girl’s name or a boy’s name. It works either way.”
“It’s a girl,” he then revealed, drawing a big applause from the audience. However, that was not it. He then called another couple, Joseph and Amber, to do the same thing for them. “Let’s find out,” Carey said as he opened the envelope. “Okay, I got a picture right here for proof, and then…oh, I see okay,” he added as he struggled to find the gender of the baby under the sonograph picture.
The host then revealed that it was a girl, once again drawing a big cheer from the studio audience. “Two girls,” Carey added as the couple made their way off the stage.