It all started with Carey joking about the model turning up in swimming trunks.
Screenshot showing Drew Carey on The Price Is Right (Image source: YouTube/The Price Is Right)
Apart from host Drew Carey and the contestants, the supporting cast of “The Price is Right” including the announcer and models, make the show entertaining. Models are supposed to present prizes such as cars and trips, for which they need to pick the right dress. One of the models, James O’Halloran took his dedication to detail to another level and turned up in a pair of swimming trunks to present a sea scooter and a snorkeling gear. Host Drew Carey probably didn’t expect that and couldn’t stop himself from having a laugh at his expense.
“James O’Halloran everybody, all the way from Australia,” he said. “You ever rock up to work and realize you left your shirt at home?” he asked as the crowd cheered on. The contestants on Contestants’ Row also did not expect to see a topless model on the show but they seemed pleasantly surprised. While this was quite funny, it was nothing compared to what the model did later.
Screenshot showing a topless James O’Halloran. (Image source: YouTube | priceisright)
O’Halloran next presented a DJ set but this time, he was fully clothed. He even had two shirts on instead of one. “They gave me two shirts in case I lose it again,” he said. Carey responded with a wild suggestion of his own and said, “James you should have come out with no pants on, that would have been hilarious. Just a pair of boxer shorts like…oh my god.”
The Aussie model took that seriously and when he was supposed to present an indoor seating package, he had his shirt on without his pants. Carey could not control his laughter upon seeing this and said, “James just lays it on the line man.” “I can’t get this right. I forget my shirt, I forget my pants,” the model replied followed by a loud applause from the studio audience.
Sometimes, it might be better to have fewer clothes on “The Price is Right.” After all, too much clothing might sometimes get in the way of the game running smoothly. No one understands this better than the host himself. In an earlier episode of the show, Carey was supposed to give a key to one of the contestants. This key was in one of the side pockets of his suit and he struggled to get them out.
“Drew’s gonna pull it out right now,” the announcer Geroge Gray said as the host had a hard time. The key must have gotten stuck to or tangled with the fabric of the suit and so it took a lot of pulling to get it out.
Mishaps like these are a part of every game show but what sets this one apart is how well Carey has handled tough situations and played them to his advantage. It turned out to be a funny moment, one that fans will look back at and laugh for years to come.