‘The Price Is Right’: Hip-Shaking Mom & Daughter Make Drew Carey Blush – Fans React
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The Price Is Right has been sharing classic moments on its social media channels while viewers wait for the new season, and a clip posted on Monday (August 5) had fans in hysterics. It featured a mom and daughter duo who made host Drew Carey blush by grinding close to him!
The clip in question was shared on the official The Price Is Right Instagram page and featured mother-and-daughter duo Sharol and Tionna. The excitable pair boogied their way to the stage, where they greeted Drew Carey by dancing and bumping their hips into his. Carey blushed and laughed before explaining the rules of the game.
Sharol and Tionna were faced with the Grand Game, in which contestants can win up to $10,000 by picking products under a target price. For those unfamiliar, the contestants begin with $1 displayed on the board and are then given a target price. They are then shown six grocery items, four of which are priced below the target and two of which are priced above.
The mom and daughter were given a target price of $6.50, with Carey telling them, “All you have to do is tell me which four [are under that price], and every time you get one right, we’ll add one zero to that board.”
Sharol and Tionna were then shown the six items, which included a 16-ounce container of Mom’s Best Cereals Quick Oats, one Scrub Daddy’s Scrub Mommy Scrubbing Sponge, six-count box of Nestlē’s Abuelita Hot Chocolate Tablets, a 25-ounce jar of Yo Mama’s Spicy Marinara Tomato Sauce, one 0.34-ounce box of Mommy’s Bliss Baby Probiotic Drops, and one 11-ounce package of Grandma’s Frozen Noodles Wide Egg Noodles.
“Give me one that you know for sure is less than $6.50,” Carey asked.
The contestants talked it through and looked to the studio audience for guidance, ultimately settling on the noodles as their first guess. Their pick was right, as the noodles were priced at $4.29. They continued their success by picking the oats and the sponge next.
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With $1,000 on the board, Sharol and Tionna could have walked away at that point. “You guys have $1,000; you can stop right now if you want because if you get the next one wrong, you lose everything,” Carey reminded them. “[But] you do get an extra nine grand if you get this next one right.”
After discussing their options, Sharol and Tionna decided to continue and selected the hot chocolate. Carey revealed the price of the hot chocolate as $5.49, meaning the lovable mother and daughter bagged themselves $10,000. The pair started screaming and running around the stage as the audience cheered them on.
“They bumped up a BIG win… nice one,” wrote one Instagram commenter.
“Great show,” said another.
One fan argued that the pair “cheated” because they were “dollar up bidders,” meaning a tactic where players on Contestant’s Row outbid the previous guesser by $1.
However, another user argued, “They didn’t Cheat! It has always been part of the rules. Recently, someone bid $1 over another bidder. Much to everyones surprise, the original bidder was the actual price and won the extra $500.”