Sofronio Vasquez, renowned for his powerhouse vocals, takes on Bette Midler’s iconic anthem “Wind Beneath My Wings” and delivers a breathtaking rendition that leaves listeners in awe.
The talented performer, known for his emotional delivery, steps into Midler’s shoes and brings a fresh, powerful twist to the 1982 classic. Vasquez’s voice soars with incredible emotion, infusing the song with a new depth while staying true to its timeless essence.
Watch his performance of “Wind Beneath My Wings” below.
From the first note to the last, Sofronio’s rendition tugs at the heartstrings, as his rich and expressive vocals capture the song’s core message of gratitude and love. With each line, he delivers a performance that resonates deeply, leaving the audience moved and speechless.
About “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler
Released in 1982, “Wind Beneath My Wings” became one of Bette Midler’s most iconic songs, winning numerous awards, including a Grammy. The heartfelt ballad, originally featured in the film Beaches, has since become a symbol of love, support, and appreciation, connecting with listeners worldwide
Written by Larry Henley and Jeff Silbar, the song’s enduring popularity continues to make it a favorite in music history. It’s been covered by numerous artists, each bringing their own touch, but Vasquez’s version stands out for its raw emotion and power.