Ryan Seacrest gets snippy with Wheel of Fortune contestants on air
Ryan Seacrest tried to get a duo of contestants to hurry up during their Bonus Round. Pic credit: ©ImageCollect.com/AdMedia
Ryan Seacrest wants to ensure Wheel of Fortune runs like a well-oiled machine.
With only 30 minutes on the air for each episode, minus commercials, Ryan knows that time is of the essence.
Part of Ryan’s job is to keep each game moving smoothly. Sometimes that means hurrying players along.
Such was the case during the Tuesday, October 29, episode of Wheel of Fortune.
Kelli Mullen and Emma Paulson competed as a team for Girlfriend Getaways week, and their efforts earned them a spot in the Bonus Round.
Their moment was posted to Wheel of Fortune’s YouTube channel in a video titled “Kelli and Emma’s Bonus Round! | S42 | Wheel of Fortune,” which was captioned, “Childhood best friends take on the Bonus Round Puzzle!”
Emma and Kelli irritate Ryan Seacrest during their Bonus Round
As is customary, Kelli and Emma were given the letters R, S, T, L, N, and E on the episode. They were asked for three more consonants and one more vowel.
The ladies took their sweet time choosing C, D, F, and A. Ryan wasn’t having it.
As they whispered back and forth, trying to decide on their letter choices, Ryan intervened, whispering to the ladies, “I can hear you.”
Ryan’s remark elicited laughter from Kelli, Emma, and the Wheel of Fortune studio audience.
But before choosing their third and final consonant, F, it appeared that Ryan had grown impatient.
Ryan swiftly warned the duo, “Hurry!”
When it came time to provide Ryan with their vowel choice, Emma and Kelli didn’t have to announce it because, as Ryan told them, “A… I heard you.”
Emma and Kelli weren’t able to come up with the winning puzzle solution
The ladies’ category was “What Are You Doing?” After the letters were given and chosen, they were left with a puzzle that read, “A _ _ L _ _ N _ / _ _ S E L F.”
The ladies talked it out throughout their 10 seconds but couldn’t solve the puzzle correctly, only coming up with the second word.
The solution was “Applying Myself,” which cost them big time.
Their star wedge would have meant a $75,000 payout for a correct solution, but instead, they didn’t add anything to their wins for the evening.
Despite losing in the Bonus Round, Kelli and Emma finished $19,530 richer.
The $19,530 was in cash and prizes alone, in addition to a trip to Barbados—not a bad payout for one night’s work.