‘The Price Is Right’ Just Made History In Mind Blowing Fashion
There are really only two reasons why we’re still watching The Price Is Right in 2016: to appreciate Drew Carey’s natural gameshow charm and to bask in the glory of the ever-unpredictable Showcase Showdown. Last night, history was made, friends.
Not one, not two, but three contestants all spun $1 in the Showcase Showdown, and now we can’t stop dancing either.
The goal of the Showcase Showdown is to either land on the $1 or land on two different combinations of cents that will add up to $1. It’s a difficult game show feat, especially considering how heavy that wheel is, but if you’re able to secure that exact amount, you’re rewarded with $1,000 and a bonus spin at the end of the show.
All three of yesterday’s contestants — Cathryn, Manfred, and Jessica — made it to the Showcase Showdown AND secured a dollar. This may be the second three-way tie to ever be achieved in the show’s 45 season history (the first likely happened in 2003 when Bob Barker was host).
The trio was then given a bonus spin to see who would advance. That honor went to Manfred, who later went on to win a cruise and a car. I like to believe Cathryn and Jessica aren’t bitter because when you’re part of the fiercest and hardest-winning Price Is Right squad around, you don’t have time for pettiness.
Congratulations you guys, and thank you. You have inspired us all this week and likely birthed a new and obscure group Halloween costume.