The Price is Right contestant falls to the floor and rolls around after ‘uncle’ Drew Carey reveals huge car prize

THE Price is Right contestant has expressed her excitement towards a prize reveal in a unique way.
She called Drew Carey “Uncle Drew” before she hit the floor and rolled around.
A Price is Right contestant dropped to the floor and rolled around on a recent episodeCredit: CBS
After calling host Drew Carey ‘Uncle Drew,’ Amylah was shocked to hear that she could win a carCredit: CBS
After rolling around on the floor, Amylah got up and ran around Drew before she hugged himCredit: CBS
The four competitors bid on a reclining chair.
Amylah bid $1200, and won the showcase because the chair was valued at $1,400.
When she got to the stage, Drew, 65, told Amylah that it was nice to see her.
“It’s nice to see you too, Uncle Drew,” she said back.
“Uncle Drew,” the host smiled. “It’s a long story. We don’t have time to get into it.”
After they laughed it off, Drew joked, “What do we got for my niece?”
“Cousin George wants you to have a brand new car!” the announcer said.
When the camera panned back to Amylah, she was on the floor, rolling around.
She then got up and buckled her knees as she said, “Ohh!” over and over.
After they described the car, Drew took Amylah over to the game where she had to guess the price of the car by stepping on the correct number.
Price is Right fans call out contestant for ‘crazy and dumb’ move that lost him car prize as crowd loses it
Amylah wound up guessing the wrong number, but had a chance to go again by guessing prices of certain items.
She got one right, but guessed the wrong number again.
In the end, Amylah did not win the car because she didn’t guess the prices correctly.
The Price is Right contestant, however, did win the massage chair and got to spin the wheel.
The Price is Right Hosts
The Price is Right first came on TV in 1972. Fans fell in love with the game show so much that it has been on for over 50 years. Throughout that time, the show has had a few different hosts. Find out who they are below.
Bob Barker – 1972 to June 2007 (also became executive producer in 1988)
Drew Carey – October 2007 to present
Dennis James – filled in for Bob in 1974 when he missed four episodes, also hosted the nighttime version
Craig Ferguson – 2014 April Fools Day Special
This isn’t the first time on the game show that somebody lost out on a car recently.
Contestant Craig played Spelling Bee, in which he had to pick a number from the hive that would reveal a dollar amount.
The cards had letters on the back and if the contestant picked the right ones and they spelled out “CAR,” Craig would win the car.
He picked, 11, 7, and then 30 and 1, after guessing the correct prices of two items.
Craig’s total was $4,000, with each letter valued at $1,000.
Drew offered the contestant to keep his $4,000 instead of taking the car because if he didn’t have the right letters, Craig would walk away with nothing.
The Price is Right player consulted with his wife and then told Drew that he was going to “take the money and run!”
The host asked Craig if he took the money because he didn’t get the fifth card.
Craig said that his gut told him that he didn’t have the correct letters.
Drew then walked over and turned the cards Craig picked one by one.
And as the host turned them over, they were revealed to be a “C,” “A,” and “R.”
Craig put his hands on his head and the crowd went crazy, after it was revealed that he would have won the coveted prize.
But, he took it in stride and said that he has $4,000 more than when he came.
In January, fans called out an error on the show after a contestant won a car.
The contestant, Isiah, was given the opportunity to roll two dice again after they appeared as $2,000.
Drew encouraged the family to support Isiah.
After rolling the car faces, the contestant jumped from his stand in excitement, and his family erupted into cheers.
Drew chanted for a car as Isiah rolled the dice again.
Isiah then posed next to the car and smiled when he won it.
The caption on the Instagram video said that he had a “perfect roll” to win the car.
However, some fan pointed out that he had to roll twice to win it, but he only rolled once.
Amylah had to play a game where she guessed the price of the car by stepping on numbersCredit: CBS
The contestant wound up not getting the car after guessing the wrong numbers and getting the second chances wrongCredit: CBS
There have been multiple incidents where contestants have lost out on a car for numerous reasonsCredit: CBS