The relationship between Michael Jackson and Diana Ross has been a fascinating topic for fans and the media for many years. How exactly was Diana Ross a mother, sister and lover in one person to Michael Jackson? The answer is complex and nuanced, but what is clear is that their bond was deep and unique.
Since Michael was just nine years old and still a member of the Jackson 5, he met Diana Ross, who became a key figure in his life. Even though she was not the discoverer of the group, Jackson fueled the myth that she was responsible for his success. In several interviews, Michael stated that he thought he would be an old man before being discovered, but that Diana Ross came into his life to save his career. Over the years, Jackson and Ross remained very close, and the relationship they shared transcended friendship.
According to Jackson, his relationship with Diana was closer than a common friendship; he described it as a mother-son relationship. Even though Ross had a family of his own, rumors about a romantic relationship between them never stopped circulating, especially during the 1980s, when it was learned that the two shared an on-and-off romantic bond. In fact, Jackson was said to be jealous of the men in Diana’s life and sometimes referred to her as his girlfriend. Jackson even considered marrying her, although nothing ever came of it. However, according to some biographers, there was no sexual relationship between them, although Michael always confessed that he deeply loved Diana Ross.
The bond between them was not only emotional, but also physical in some ways. It was rumored that Michael had tried to emulate Diana’s appearance, even undergoing several surgeries to look like her. There are stories that in 1986, Michael visited Diana in Las Vegas, where she found him putting on her makeup and acting like her, revealing a deep obsession with Ross’s figure. Furthermore, some sources indicated that in private, Jackson would ask his driver to call him “Miss Ross”, further reflecting his admiration for her.
In terms of their relationship as mother and son, Diana always showed unconditional support towards Michael. On several occasions, Diana publicly defended him, such as when she attacked reporters who mocked Jackson’s plastic surgery. Even when Jackson collapsed during a rehearsal in 1995, Diana rushed to be by his side in the hospital, displaying her maternal instinct.
When Michael passed away in 2009, Diana Ross was devastated. In his 2002 will, Michael had written that should his mother Catherine predeceas him, Diana Ross should be the guardian of his three children. This show of trust in Diana reflected the deep love and respect Jackson had for her.
Following his death, Diana Ross remained steadfast in her support of Michael, defending his legacy in the face of allegations that surfaced in the documentary Leaving Neverland . Ross has continued to celebrate her dear friend’s life, remembering him on his birthday every year.
Despite all the rumors and speculation about their relationship, what remains clear is that Michael Jackson and Diana Ross shared a deep love and friendship that transcended any kind of categorization. The relationship between them was unique, with Diana Ross being a mother, sister and central figure in Michael’s life, something that will always be remembered by those who knew and admired them.