The iPhone 6 had just been launched then and while it is pricey, the contestants went over the top.
Screenshots showing the contestant, model and Drew Carey on “The Price is Right” (Cover image source: YouTube | priceisright)
Drew Carey is usually friendly and supportive towards contestants on “The Price is Right,” but even he can’t resist the temptation to mock them for ridiculous answers. During Contestant’s Row, the objective is to guess the price closest to that of an item on display without going over it, for a chance to play games for bigger prizes.
During one episode, the contestants had to guess the price of an iPhone 6, which was a newly launched model of the handset back then. The first contestant guessed $7,500 and the second one guessed $7,501, which were unrealistic prices and the audience in the studio knew that. Drew Carey was also in disbelief that the contestants guessed such high prices and he took it as an opportunity to make a sarcastic remark.
Screenshot showing the contestants on Contestants’ Row. (Image source: YouTube } priceisright)
“I hope the marketing people at Apple are watching this,” he said. Unsurprisingly, neither of the two was able to make it onto the stage. Another contestant guessed $930 and came closest to the actual price of the smartphone, which was $1,969. This was a short but hilarious segment on the show and even the fans on the internet were shocked to see how the contestants overestimated the iPhone’s value. They took to the comments section under the YouTube video to roast the contestants.
“You can see everyone in the back laughing at them lol,” one user named @Ronldbx6 commented. “They all missed the one-year calling plan that’s included. The ladies on the right seem to know the price range of the iPhone without a contract though,” added @Jake-Day.
Although the outrageous guesses by the two contestants didn’t get them anywhere, that doesn’t mean people with ridiculous answers don’t win at all. Back when Bob Barker was a host on “The Price is Right,” contestants Jose and Gay were going head to head for a big prize. Jose had to guess the price of two motorcycles and Gay had to guess the same for a ski-boat. While Jose valued the motorcycles at $60,000, Gay estimated the price of the boat as $1. It was obvious to most that Gay would not win the showcase with such a ridiculously low guess. But, when the prices of the respective items were revealed, it turned out that Jose’s guess was more than the actual price of the motorcycles. This meant that Gay had won the Showcase even though her estimate was among the most ridiculous answers in the show’s history.
Fans of the show shared their takes on the matter on Reddit after the clip was posted on r/videos. “I don’t think that guy knew how the game worked at all,” one user commented. “I personally think her bid was the best part. Could’ve said 10K or 5K or anything but said f*** you Jose I’m bidding a dollar,” another added.