With the ACM Awards coming up this week, let’s take a look back at one of the most memorable ACM moments in recent history.
Miranda Lambert’s shade at Blake Shelton.
Miranda blew the roof off, performing a medley of hits including “Kerosene,” “Gunpowder and Lead,” and a few more classics, but the moment that left everybody’s jaw hanging open was when she changed the lyrics of “Little Red Wagon” from “I live in Oklahoma” to a rather emphatic:
“I got the hell out of Oklahoma.”
I was an obvious dig at her ex-husband and Oklahoma native Blake Shelton, but let’s be honest… as petty as it may be, we all were BEGGING for the camera to show Blake’s face in that moment.
And granted, she had been performing the song with the lyric change for quite some time at this point, but never with Blake in the same room. Just let us see his reaction.
At the end of the day though, it makes sense to change the lyrics to something else. After all, she doesn’t live in Oklahoma anymore.
But still, it feels like she put a little something extra behind it with Blake in the room.
And we love her for it.
Of course, it’s not all bad blood.
Miranda has discussed her song “Over You,” which she wrote with Blake about his late brother. She called the song a really special moment and added that she was “glad” they had that together:
“It was really a special moment and I’m so glad we shared that song and that it helped his family heal, to have that together.”
ACM Awards 2012: Miranda Lambert Calls Out Ashton Kutcher
Miranda has had her fair share of ACM moments, whether it be performances, wins, or the aforementioned shade, but now, we’re taking it back to 2012.
If you remember to the 2012 ACM Awards, Ashton Kutcher strolled out dressed like a cowboy clown, absolutely butchered a cover of George Strait’s “I Cross My Heart,” and then introduced the nominees for Female Vocalist.
It was cringy at best, a mockery at worst… and some artists called him out for it.
The Iowa native is a country fan in fact (how big of one is debatable), but it doesn’t appear that he was actually trying to make fun of country music. Awards shows are always pretty corny, right?
So while it don’t think any harm was meant, it was still a pretty dumb moment in ACM Awards history, but also illustrates where these shows tend to fail. They love to bring in celebrities from outside of the genre to drum up some interest from non-country fans. Only problem is that non-country fans still don’t watch the show, and the loyal country fans are left wondering why the hell Ashton Kutcher is on stage looking like a bozo.
Miranda later admitted that Ashton loved “real country music” when the two met at the Kentucky Debry a month later.
The 59th Annual ACM Awards will stream exclusively on Prime Video on Thursday, May 16th at 8 p.m. EST from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas.